Sunday, March 7, 2010

I have formed a new opinion...

I had never really looked up any of the works of Banksy even after having my best friend tell me about how much he liked him. I guess it was someone's presentation, I can't recall who but whoever it was that did the Christian Hahn/Banksy powerpoint, that really made me start to research him a bit. I love the fact that he sends, maybe uncomfortable, but obivous and truthful messages. The sarcasm and humor also seems to be another driving source for my feelings about his work. It reminds me almost of the tagging and picketing of the 60's movements or a group of rebel teens looking for fun at 3 am, just a simple goal to change the ways the world is run.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, so far Alex... A few more quality blogs COULD WELL bump-up your 'blog grade' (see D2L/Grades...). Meanwhile...

    ...From here on, I would suggest a focus. Choose an arts-based: topic, artist, work, style, historical context, technique, discipline - anything - and use this as an on-going research tool; that will or could feed into your up-coming essay...

    ...Use this time - the mid-term - to tighten-up your blog. To critically explore a field of interest pertinent to you. Schedule a tutorial with me, if you would like help, feedback or direction.

